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Thursday, May 28, 2020

Its Boot Camp Time, Folks!

Cincinnati Area Transition Booster Sessions 2020
The second booster session in 2020,
Supplemental Security Income & Social Security Disability Insurance (SSI/SSDI)
is scheduled for
Thursday, June 11, 6:00 - 8:00 PM
Booster sessions are intended to provide information on the transition from school to adult life for youth with disabilities. Families, individuals with disabilities, educators, and other professionals are invited to attend these sessions at no cost.

All Sessions are from 6:00 - 8:00 PM.
June's session will be held virtually, and the location for the rest will be determined as we move forward. We will communicate as we know more. 

In this session you will learn how to qualify for SSI beginning at age 18 when parents’ income/resources no longer count; about Disabled Adult Child (DAC) benefits for those disabled before age 22; about Social Security makes a medical decision for an adult vs. a child; about the application process and appeals process; how Medicare and Medicaid work with the disability programs; and about working while disabled and Social Security’s many work incentives.
Speaker:    Kelly Draggoo & Theresa Busher, Social Security Administration   
Register Online: http://bit.ly/2SgC3H6  
Guardianship and Alternatives
In this session you will learn what Guardianship is, what other options exist, and why it is important to think carefully about this decision; develop a better understanding of the legal considerations and process; see examples of county probate court forms and applications and become more prepared and empowered with resources to make informed decisions about your loved one’s life

Speakers: Andrew Brennan, Disability Rights Ohio; Jane Gerhardt, Family Member; Lisa Portune, Family Member
Register Online: http://bit.ly/2UGKbCd

Transition from Pediatric to Adult Health Care
In this session you will learn about the differences between the pediatric and adult health care systems; preparing for a successful transition from pediatric to adult healthcare providers and how to successfully navigate the adult healthcare world. 

Speakers: Jason Woodward, MD, CCHMC; Abby Nye, MD & Lauren Wang, MD, UC Physicians
Register Online: http://bit.ly/2Szop0z

Puberty, Relationships, Sexuality, and General Safety
In this session, we will discuss the rationale for providing comprehensive health and sex education to exceptional learners, review some current research and facts related to relationships, sexuality and safety, share our experiences in teaching health and sex education concepts to young adults and adults with DD and discuss available curriculums and resources.

Speakers: Amanda Tipkemper, HEIDT Center of Excellence & TJ Nestheide, HCDDS
Register Online: http://bit.ly/38hkUTh

University of Cincinnati UCEDD | 3430 Burnet Ave MLC 4002Cincinnati, OH 45229
Unsubscribe donnahsaul@yahoo.com
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