I lifted this note from "advocate" on Cincinnati Beacon's blog where I on occasion make guest appearances as the wordwis guys and host of other psuedonyms ...
submitted by advocate:you are right about the mr/dd - maximus was fired by the county while operating the out of state child support cases because they did such a lousy job. what’s the old saying, those who can do, those who can’t teach? ( not meant against teachers just overseers) maximus couldn’t make any of their own practices work within the financial constraints so they switched their foucs to telling everyone else how to do it. and they are failures at both—there must be some big campaign cotributions going onthere. heimlich ( yes heimlich - not maximus) heilich and finney the fink told the mr/dd to go after elderly parents of clients receiving services and collect child support fromthem (under a ubscure law, parents of disabled children are required to support them until their death) heimlich not only dumped the services back onto the over burdened schools - but on the backs of parents of disabled clients who, themselves, are o fixed icomes.this isn’t portune’s baby in ay way shape or form—this was heimlich and finey and dewine doing.just so you know—under the drake deal—the alliance ( defunk) can take allthe levy money we voted for and use that same money to “buy” drake fromthe public control ending the services for those experiencing catastrophic health care incidents.how does finey the fink refer to these groups? social service cabals??? that’s a pretty clear indication that finey the fink andheimlich are only for survival of the richest and bear no mroal responsiblity for their fellow man. hell - they won’t even let the public decide for themselves if they wantto help these families.