The writing is on the wall for our friends and families in Ohio.
The new "employment first" initiated by Ohio Governor Kasich, an Olmsted Act ruling from 1999, and changes in the mission of the Hamilton County Developmental Disabilities Services (formally MRDD) only value our family and friends if they are "employable" and can live without traditional specialized services.
What further compounds this is that funding for traditional specialized services that do not complty with Olmsted and "employment first" initiatives are losing funding from federal, state, and local level. So where will these people go when all the funding and support is gone?
In Hamilton County Ohio, you are only valued as a human being if you can work or do not require traditional specialized services.
We can do better for this population of our family and friends.
Even though my child is young, this is an issue I'm passionate about. Have you read "No Greatness without Goodness" By Randy Lewis? Very inspiring.
The current approach to "streamlining" services in the name of Olmsted is troublesome across the country. Only when we become educated and speak up can we address the situation. Unfortunately, these changes are being made at the state level - which makes it hard for us to join together and help educate each other.
Good luck on your efforts!
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