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Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Respite Care in Cincinnati, Ohio

My personal experience as been with the Redwood Rehabilitation Center on Orphanage Road off Dixie Highway in Ft. Mitchell, Kentucky. It is a stellar organization and should be used as a model for the excellent care facilities.

the Arc of Hamilton County has several programs to help with cover costs for respite services:

Family Resource Services Program can help families pay for respite services. A sliding fee scale is used to determine the percentage a family will pay for services. The program provides funds for families who are eligible to receive MRDD services.

Parents' Night Out can provide funds to hire a sitter for a child with a disability.

The Children's Home of Cincinnati offers a Child Care Program for day care and kindergarten readiness for children ages 3 months through 5 years of age. Children with special needs are accepted, but they must be able to function in their day care and preschool program settings.

Evening Star is a program of Fellowship Baptist Church in Mainville, Ohio, that provides respite services once a month for families that have a child with a disability and their siblings. Families do not have to be church members to participate.

Max's Home
a day care center for medically fragile children, is a division of Maxim Healthcare Services. It provides medical treatment, adaptive education and respite for families who have children with special health care needs. Infants and children ages 6 weeks through teenagers are eligible for treatment.

has respite services available for eligible families. Contact your Service Facilitator to begin the process.

Nat. Child Care Information Centerdeveloped by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services provides information and resources on child care and early childhoold education.

Ohio Department of Job and Family Services provides a daycare facility locator.

St. Joseph Home of Cincinnati
offers a respite program with 24-hour personal and medical services for medically fragile and developmentally disabled infants and young adults.

1 comment:

Jackie said...

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I just wanted to say Hello, and keep up the great work!